April 5th, Ham Shoot Work Party
April 6th, Ham Shoot (Open to the Public)
-Don’t forget to pick your scatter boards up at the clubhouse to sell.
April 13th, Spring Fling and Cookout
April 14th, Easter Egg Hunt (Potluck, bring a dish to share)
May 11th, Special Olympics Fishing Derby
May 18th, Steak Stag
Tag: Ham Shoot
Thank You For Joining Us for The 2018 Ham Shoot!
Ham Shoot Scatter Boards
If you have sold scatter boards for the Ham Shoot, the boards must to be turned in at the club house, or to Mike Mooreman or Greg Schwartz by Saturday, April 21st so that we can make sure we have enough supplies purchased to support the number of boards sold.
Help us spread the word about the event, invite your friends, family and neighbors to come out on April 28th at Noon!
Ham Shoot April 29th
The annual Ham Shoot will take place on Saturday April 29th at noon.
Come out to participate in the Luck and Trap Shoots, Scatter Boards, food, drinks and fun.
Bring your friends and family.
This event is open to the public.
Ham Shoot April 16th
Campbell County Game and Fish will be hosting the annual Ham Shoot on Saturday, April 16, 2016 at noon.
Come out and enjoy the luck and trap shoots, scatter boards, good food and cold drinks.
Bring the family out for a great time which helps support the club.
Contact Dan Heiert for details.