Membership Dues

Membership dues are $200 and are due in January.  You can pay them at the membership meeting, drop them in the safe behind the bar any time, or mail them to our PO Box (address at the bottom of the page).  Dues not paid by the end of the February meeting are delinquent per our bylaws.

Article 4 (Dues and Initiation Fees), Section 2 of our bylaws:

In the event of non-payment of dues by the end of the February meeting, a member so delinquent shall be suspended. His rights, privileges, and admission to the grounds are prohibited. Reinstatement during the current year can be made only by payment of dues plus twenty five ($25.00) dollars assessment after the February meeting. If dues, plus assessment, are not paid by the end of the March meeting, said members name shall be removed from the membership roster. Membership can be made only by formal reapplication. Applicants for membership may be voted on at any regular membership meeting when openings are available.


2017 Officers and Trustees Elected

Election of Officers and Trustees were held at our December Member’s Meeting.  All of the officers from 2016 ran unopposed and were re-elected.  New trustees for the 2017/2018 term include Marty Stieritz and Travis Heiert.  We would like to thank Mike Steritz and Jerry Allender for your service to the board!

Officers 2017

Board Chairman      513-702-2319       Dan McGuinness

President                  859-991-0890        John Horan

Vice – President      859-581-4397        Ted Pappas

Secretary                  859-781-2691       Ted  Bush

Treasurer                 859-466-4098       John Shirley

Finanical Secretary  859-992-8070      Dave Merman

Board of Trustees

2016/2017 term

Jim Patrick                    859-991-0436

Chris McGreevy            859-466-1461

Bob Glass                      859-491-0636

Tom Pyke                      859-620-4336

Andy Spenlau               859-509-1001

2017/2018 term

Greg Schwartz               859-750-5605

Marty Stieritz                859-581-3971

Travis Heiert                 859-394-2471

Steve Moremond           859-291-2125

Bob Creekmore             513-403-2894