Club Notes

Dues Reminder:  If you haven’t paid your 2018 membership dues, they must be paid by the meeting next Tuesday.  If not paid by the end of the February membership meeting, a $25 late fee is added.  Payment of dues plus the late fee must be received by the March meeting or membership is forfeited.

  • The Wild Fry will be held on February 17th, John Horan is chairperson.
  • SWAP Meet February 18th
  • Camping Season Opens March 1st, contact Bob Glass or Tom Pyke to request a camper spot
  • Easter Egg Hunt March 25th, bring the kids and a dish to share.
  • Check out the latest newsletter by clicking Newsletter at the top of our webpage.  You can also find archived newsletters on the page.
  • Updated Constitution and Bylaws have been loaded to the website also.  The password to open the document is the same as before.

Status of the CMP 1911s, 1/29/2018

CMP 1911 Information


The CMP has been authorized to receive 8,000 1911 type pistols from the United States Army.

The 1911s have been received by the CMP.  A complete inventory will be conducted over the course of this week. The pistols will then be securely stored until the Army-approved 1911 building and armory infrastructure is completed.  That completion is anticipated to be approximately 60 days from now. Once the 1911 armory is completed, inspection, grading, repair, and ultimately test firing of the pistols will begin. (Please be aware that the CMP was led to believe that we were ready to move forward, but three weeks ago facility requirements were changed, and we are now fulfilling those requirements.)

The CMP 1911 order packet will be posted 90 days prior to the order acceptance date and opening sales date. No orders will be accepted prior to that date. Please visit, click on the Sales icon then 1911 Information, for the latest. CMP customer service has been inundated with calls and emails concerning the 1911s and no further information is available at this time.

The CMP will keep everyone posted as we move through this process.

Mark Johnson

Chief Operating Officer

Civilian Marksmanship Program