Saturday October 6th at noon
Luck and Trap Shoots
Scatter Boards
Food and Drinks available for sale
Event is open to the public so please share with your friends and family.
Work party 6 p.m. on Friday, come out and help if you can.
Saturday October 6th at noon
Luck and Trap Shoots
Scatter Boards
Food and Drinks available for sale
Event is open to the public so please share with your friends and family.
Work party 6 p.m. on Friday, come out and help if you can.
Coon shoot is tonight….. Be at the trap house no later than 8:15 …. Food provided, door prizes for shooters.. Contact Dave Merman 992-8070 for questions. Guest rules and fees apply… Hope to see you there!
Join us to help install 3D targets starting at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, July 7th. New as well as long time members are encouraged to attend.
From Campbell County Game and Fish!