Election of Officers and Trustees were held at our December Member’s Meeting. All of the officers from 2016 ran unopposed and were re-elected. New trustees for the 2017/2018 term include Marty Stieritz and Travis Heiert. We would like to thank Mike Steritz and Jerry Allender for your service to the board!
Officers 2017
Board Chairman 513-702-2319 Dan McGuinness
President 859-991-0890 John Horan
Vice – President 859-581-4397 Ted Pappas
Secretary 859-781-2691 Ted Bush
Treasurer 859-466-4098 John Shirley
Finanical Secretary 859-992-8070 Dave Merman
Board of Trustees
2016/2017 term
Jim Patrick 859-991-0436
Chris McGreevy 859-466-1461
Bob Glass 859-491-0636
Tom Pyke 859-620-4336
Andy Spenlau 859-509-1001
2017/2018 term
Greg Schwartz 859-750-5605
Marty Stieritz 859-581-3971
Travis Heiert 859-394-2471
Steve Moremond 859-291-2125
Bob Creekmore 513-403-2894